Share your good advice

Posted: 13 Oct '22
Share your good advice

Share your good advice

I do not know about the rest of the world, but optimism in new business sure seems to be blossoming in West End, Brisbane. In the past couple of weeks, we have had new bars, restaurants and even a bath house open their doors. It is great to see. I have always been a glass half full kind of girl and it warms my heart to see that, despite all the difficulties happening around the world, local entrepreneurs still have the enthusiasm and drive to start new ventures.

My current favourite newbie is the Kite Terrace at Queensland Ballet’s newest home, the Thomas Dixon Centre on Montague Road. It is a 5-minute walk from the office and the view is spectacular. Great for those Friday afternoon knockoffs and somehow feels classier than just a regular bar because of their association with the arts. Check out the photos below.

Enjoying the ambiance and hospitality of all this West End business growth has not just been fun and games for me. As often happens, it got me pondering. I started thinking about how much hard work it takes to propel a new business onto the path of success. I am cheering for all these new venues to succeed, not least of all because the neighbourhood is so much more vibrant with extra choices. But, I also have my fingers crossed that they have found trusted advisors to support them in their journey to greatness. Having someone on your side to provide a friendly ear and a pearl of impartial business wisdom can often be the thing that tips the success scale.

Like many practices, over the years, we at Appy Books have supported a bunch of starter businesses. We have listened to their struggles and seen what works in turning that success dial to profitability. Profit certainly does not come from a one size fits all approach, but I bet every advisor and business owner has a favourite piece of simple advice that they have given or received that would work for most start-ups. My favourite is separate personal expenses from the business bank account from day one. It is easier not to start a bad habit than to try to break one.

So, here is my challenge for everyone reading this blog. Think about all your experience and how to distil them into the one piece of business advice you would give to a brand-new business to help them succeed. And if you are keen to share your thoughts (Man, I really hope you are!), you can share them with us using the video link below.

The Appy Clappers will select their favourites and publish them on social media over the next few months. Give it a crack! It will be fun, and your advice just might make a difference to someone just starting out.

I am off to check out the bath house on the top of West Village. Stay ‘Appy.

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