Grandparents 'r us

Posted: 19 Aug '21

We had the pleasure this week of babysitting our grandchildren overnight. It was the first time for us and, despite being terrified they’d cry all night, it all went swimmingly. It did make me wish my parents were still around so I could thank them for all the help they gave us with our kids when they were little. I don’t think I showered enough appreciation on Mum and Dad at the time but after this week, I was reminded how full-on and exhausting kids can be but also how a helping hand is like a little gift. It gives you time to step away and get perspective.

This week has also heralded the opening of the Queensland COVID grant applications. Here at JOG, we ran the strict eligibility criteria over all our clients to see who qualified on Monday morning. Applications opened at 12 noon on Monday. By close of business on Wednesday, all applications for our eligible clients had been completed and lodged. After two lockdowns in such a short space of time, many businesses are looking forward to this little boost to their coffers and are grateful for any help to keep going in these tough times. A little like the help grandparents can offer to tired families.

I probably don’t have the energy required to act as a grandparent to extra kids. But if you think your business might benefit from the type of service JOG offer, we’d love to hear from you. Below is our COVID Grant eligibility tracker. Answer these questions for your business and reach out if you need help putting together your grant application. We’d be happy to offer you a grandparent-y hand.

1. Do you employ staff other than yourself?

2. Do you have an ABN as at 30/6/21?

3. Are you registered for GST?

4. Do you have QLD headquarters?

5. Can you prove you not insolvent or bankrupt?

6. Do you have a turnover of more than $75k?

7. Can you demonstrate 30% drop in turnover?

8. Is your payroll less than $10M?

If you answered YES to all these questions, you may be eligible for a QLD COVID Grant 

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