Surviving Hell week

Posted: 10 Jul
Surviving Hell week

Surviving Hell week

I am in a mood for sharing. We have reached my least favourite time of the year, what I affectionately(?) call "Hell Week" – the first week of July. Why such a dramatic name, you ask? Well, let me paint you a picture.

Imagine juggling your regular busy workload then add the intense pressure of finalising end-of-year payroll for each of our beloved Appy Books clients. Throw in some client employees calling to ask when you will be done so they can do their taxes and that's Hell Week for us bookkeepers. The Australian Taxation Office sets a tight deadline, and no matter how prepared we are, it's always a challenge. But guess what? We made it through!

As Friday afternoon rolled around, there was a collective sigh of relief across the office (and probably every other bookkeeper's office in the country). Making it through this week with your sanity intact feels like a major accomplishment. It's a reminder of just how resilient and dedicated we are as professionals.

But here's the thing – I'm not alone in this rollercoaster of emotions. There are thousands of incredible bookkeepers, mostly women, all over Australia who experience the same whirlwind every July. Many of us are not just managing our careers and our businesses but also balancing family responsibilities, especially when this week coincides with the kids being home for school holidays. It's like juggling with more plates than a circus performer!

So, this blog is a shout-out to all the amazing Mums/bookkeepers out there – you are incredible! I see you; I admire you, and I take my hat off to every single one of you. It's not easy, but somehow, we manage to keep all those plates spinning.

In the midst of this chaos, it's heartwarming to see that our industry is also recognising the immense efforts of women. Ignition, a popular finance industry app, is currently celebrating the efforts of women in finance with their Top 50 Women in Accounting awards. The awards  celebrate and acknowledge inspiring women across the accounting and bookkeeping industry. Since 2018, these prestigious awards have shone a light on remarkable women who inspire others with their resilience, leadership, mentorship, and active participation in creating a more diverse and inclusive industry. Each year, hundreds of women are nominated by their colleagues and peers to be recognized as a Top 50 Woman in Accounting. So, well done Ignition!

As Hell Week wrapped for another year and we started looking ahead to the rest of July, I'm filled with a sense of camaraderie and pride. We've tackled the first hurdle, and now, we can take a deep breath before diving into the next challenges.

To my fellow bookkeepers and hardworking professionals everywhere, keep pushing through – you're doing amazing. And remember, we'll get through this month together, one lodgement at a time.

And to all those business clients out there, give your bookkeeper a hug or at least, a kind word of encouragement. They will appreciate it more than you can know.

Stay ‘Appy!

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